Sunday, March 07, 2004

My Dance Worthy Trio

With all the beautiful dancers in the club and through all the time spent there I've come down to 3 beautiful, intelligent, sexy, radiant women that I spend time with. It's become easy to say no thanks to the others and spend quality time with these 3. Oh I'll still admire the others, even spend time at the tip-rail. But when it comes down to private dances, there's only 3.

My lovely Dancer
My poetry girl
Sassy girl

My lovely Dancer - thank you for the extended dance time. Lovely as always. Interesting as always. Sexy as always. Totally inthe headspace - connected - alive. 4 more hours wouldn't have been enough.

Sassy Girl (see her post below) - hugs and snuggles in passing. But recharging my battery just the same. We've only started to enjoy each other and I can't tell you how awesome you are.

to Poetry dancer. I miss you and I owe you some hugs.

Thank you ladies.


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