Sunday, December 21, 2003

Tip-Rail Ettiquette

My take, as a veteran customer, on tip-rail ettiquette in an upscale strip club:

- Do tip because you appreciate the dancer.
- Don't get excessively cute with folding the bill, or excessively demanding on how you want the dancer to get it from you. It's their show.
- Don't tip and then rush back to your table. Linger a while and enjoy their set.
- Do enjoy the view when Dancer is receiving a tip from a fellow tip-railer. You get a different view than when she's with you, and if you're not the jealous type it can be sexy.
- Don't wait until the second song, when she's totally nude, to get up from your table to go tip them. Dancers tell me that really pisses them off. Go early in the 1st song while they're still dressed. They'll appreciate you for it and will likely give you extra attention. Then stay and tip again during the second song and get your nude fix. It's only $2
- Do tip more than $1 every now and then.
- Don't try to grab the dancer or insert your $1 bill somewhere she doesn't want it inserted.
- Do really enjoy it if you're lucky enough to be sitting near a girl who's there tipping too. It can be quite the lady-loving show! Lot's of fondling and nuzzling.
- Don't be a drunk boor, like the idiot I saw one night standing there yelling "show us your tits!"

One of my favorite things to do is this: If I'm spending time with one dancer in particular on a night I'll send her a girl (usually another dancer) to play with on stage. I'll give the girl money to tip with and send her to the stage. Most Dancers will smile in suprise and then give her a special time for the tip. I get to enjoy the show. And the guys at the tiprail get so worked up that I'm sure both Dancers get extra private dances out of the moment.


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