Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Feeling is Mutual

My Lovely Dancer, who I've paid tribute to many times here, apparently checked into DANCEFAN this week to catch up on my stories and left several terrific comments for me. Thank you, baby.

Since I don't expect you all to read back through every comment like I do I'll feature one of her comments here for you. She left this comment on the last tribute that I paid to her, Aug 10th, entitled "Have We Met Before?". Scroll down and re-read it. I did and I re-lived the experience with my sense memory. It was hot. I can feel her. I can see her. I can hear her voice, her laugh. I can feel her cheek against my cheek. She was quite lovely that night. Really lovely. I'm lucky to have been with her even in the fantasy sense. Thankfully it's mutual. Here's her comment:

"Just to let everyone know, this gentleman is a friend of mine. No, i dont have GFE with every person I dance for. I am just glad I have the chance to dance for him! People ike "dancefan" make my job brighter while mainly dark and cold with the lust for money that make it , at times, hard to come back to work the next

I look forward to the days when I see his face in a crowd of men. He is a safe place to relax even durning a dance. Which by the way is very hard to come by. I trust him and know with my whole being nothing would ever hurt me while in his arms.

Everyone has faults, his may be finding women who are not
his wife attractive. But what man doesnt? He at least has enough balls to post and share his memories with those who care to read them and learn from them!

I for one care dearly for "DanceFan"!!
(just for you baby, you are

Thank you, baby. You are a treasure and I'm grateful that you are my friend as well.