Thursday, October 07, 2004

Couples in the Club

I have to say that I'm totally fascinated with couples in a strip club.

In fact, when I see an attractive couple in the club I spend as much time observing them as I do watching the lovely naked young strippers. Hard to believe, but true. I've written about it here before but I'm thinking about it again as I remember some fond memories of couple watching.

The root cause of this is, of course, men's fascination with lesbianism. An obsession to which I am not immune and am in fact a hearty proponent of. Lesbians. Girls kissing. Pretty girls lusting for each other. Is there anything sexier? And couples in the strip club play right into this fantasy. Right there, sitting at that table, is a fantasy event waiting to happen. Will the female of the couple have any interplay with the dancers? Will she go to the tiprail and tip them? Will she enjoy it if the dancers lavish extra attention on her there? Will she sit and talk with a dancer? Is she okay with her guy enjoying the dancers and is in fact sharing the dancer with him? Bliss. And the ultimate question: Will she get a private lapdance? Or better yet, a table dance out in the main club area that we all can voyeuristically enjoy?

I have over time seen all of that happen and I enjoy that visual experience almost as much as getting a dance myself.

What do the strippers think about couples coming into the club? What would you guess that they think? I happen to know to some degree because I've asked several dancers what they think. Here's what they've told me: a lot of them don't like it for two reasons.

First, dancers are wary of doing lapdances for girls. Quite simply, girl customers are grabbier than guys. They violate the "no touch" rules regularly. Why? Because they believe the dancers won't mind because, hey, it's another girl. I've seen this a lot with girls getting lapdances. They think nothing of grabbing or fondling the dancers. Guys know better. "Put your hands to the side" is often the warning we get before the dance begins. I've even had to sit on my hands before. This is the main reason that most clubs, so I've been told, do not allow single unaccompanied girls into strip clubs. Strange, but true. Can anyone out there back me up on this?

Second, couples are risky to approach for dancers. And a lot of dancers have had a bad experience approaching a couple. Not all females in a couple are happy to be there. Some are coerced. Some are intensely jealous and territorial. Most are judgemental of the dancers. So it's risky to approach a couple and it's uncertain whether or not they'll be able to sell a lapdance. Either because the guy is reluctant to act on his lust with the Mrs. there or because the Mrs. is discouraging it.

Of course, that's on average. That's not always.

For example, the last dancer I talked with on this topic had this story to share with me:

She saw a guy sitting alone and looking bored and she approached him to ask him "would you like a dance?". Out of nowhere comes the Mrs. A cute blonde all dolled up. "Shit", she thought, "a couple. I'm screwed. Get ready for the judgement." She was surprised when the guy answered "I don't want one, but I'm sure my wife does". It turns out that in this particular couple it was the wife who was really into clubs, not the hubby. Hubby didn't buy any dances and didn't even come to the VIP to watch his wife with a dancer. He was just in love with his wife and was supporting her desires. It turned out the the wife took the stripper up to the VIP and bought several very hot dances. She got up there and pulled up her skirt to show Dancer that she was not wearing any underwear. (A very guy thing to do in a club!) My dancer concluded that the wife was probably actually gay and not much into her husband and that the husband was very in love with his wife and would do this for her. But wife was really into the dancer and they had a very hot time fondling each other in the privacy of the VIP. Wait a minute.... I have to picture this.....Okay, I'm back.

More hot couple stories to come in Part II......


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