Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Two Dollar Dances

"Two songs until dollar dances!" I heard the DJ say.

Customer's eye's lit up. We love the dollar dances. Dancer's faces fell. Clearly, they hate them.

How does it work? They're basically sample lapdances. At the appointed time all of the dancers come out on the floor in lapdance attire - meaning naked or nearly so. When the music starts you hold up two $1 bills. A dancer will stop at your seat and give you a 30 second or so sample lapdance. Then the DJ says "switch" and she moves on. It's her chance to sell you on the idea of a dance.

And the music started.

$2 up. Dancer #1: A dark haired beauty, new to me. Lithe and supple. A sensous sample. Facing away from me on my lap, with slow lightly grinding circles waking me up.


$2 up. Dancer # 2: Sassy Girl. Leaping into my lap with a whoop. Happy to see me. Boundless energy in a sexy as hell package. She was literally shaking me in my chair, drawing me into her. Yeow!


$2 up. Dancer #3: My Lovely Dancer. Quickly into the groove. Passionate on a budget. She really is quite lovely. A quick connection, cheek to cheek.


$2 up. Dancer #4: Tall, willowy, gorgeous. Young girl hair, sexy girl body. Tantalizing tattoos in all the right places. A classic lapdance, abbreviated version.


$2 up. Dancer #5: My missed opportunity girl. I've danced with her before, but not often enough. Long straight hair. Beautiful makeup. Soft full body. Completely skilled at the GFE. Dancer parted my knees and slid in between them. Eye contact the whole time as she moved up and down my body. Warm breath in my ear as she whispered "If you want a dance, call me". I really, really, really need to spend some time with this exceptional young lady.

And it's over. 1 song. $10. Worth the money.


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