Friday, October 22, 2004

Couples in the Club - Postscript

One last "couples memory" for a while:

It was shortly after two separate dancers had talked with me about their apprehensions about approaching couples in clubs. Fearing rejection or judgement at worst, no sale at best. But I knew that there are positives stories about dancers and couples. So I decided to observe some more.

It was late, on a weekend night. The club was busy and the music was good. I was languidly enjoying the afterglow of some private dances with my Lovely Dancer. Not able to walk around much, if you follow me. So I settled in at a back table and watched the stage show and the crowd.

And there they were. Right in front of me, between me and the stage. A couple. Not with a group or a party. Just a couple nervously taking in the club scene. An attractive couple, about my age. Would a dancer approach them I wondered? Let's watch and see. Mrs. was facing the stage with Mr. facing away. Mrs. a little stiff and nervous. Mr. was detached, playing it cool. Just talking and drinking. And soon enough here came dancer.

Dancer was a pretty girl, very petite, dressed up like a 1920's speakeasy girl. Short black hair, fair skin. Pretty and innocent. She approached with no fear at all. She settled in and they bought her a drink. What followed was several minutes of engaging conversation. Flirting. Laughing. Drinking. But would there be dancing? I felt like an anthropologist as I observed and studied.

And then, in an instant, it was decided. Mr. bolted out of his seat and headed for the VIP with dancer in tow. Mrs. remained at the table. Interesting, I thought. Let's see how this develops. One song. They stay gone and Mrs. stays in her seat, transfixed by the stage and not looking around. Two songs and Mrs. hasn't moved. She seems keenly aware that she's sitting in a strip club alone. Three songs and Mr. returns without dancer. He takes his seat, again facing away from the stage - facing me actually - with his legs stretched out beside Mrs. chair. How would Mrs react? With jealousy? Curiosity? Anger? Lust? Lust was the answer. As soon as Mr. returned she reanimated. Leaning toward him. Talking excitedly. Whispering into his ear. Leaning closer into him. Fondling him. Kissing him. Nuzzling into his neck. Smelling dancer on him. I thought she was going to jump him right there at the table. And quickly they were up and out of the club like a shot. Did they even make it out of the parking lot before they got it on? I'm guessing not.

Wow. That was a positive experience.

So dancer successfully approached a couple in the club and got a profitable dance out it with no fear. What gave her this confidence? Later I found out. She stopped by my table and introduced herself. After I remarked that she was a very pretty girl she said "thanks. I'm a little nervous. This is only my 2nd night dancing." A ha.


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