Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Link in Her Chain

I have a friend. A dancer. A stripper.

A beautiful young lady.

We've shared time together. Talk time at a table. Tip time at the tiprail. Passionate time in the private dance.

And I'm on her list. We email each other outside of the club on ocassion. I send her some thoughts now and then. And I'm on her list.

My friend, the dancer, has a penchant for chain emails. The kind with touching poems or stories about friendship. The kind that end with an admonition to send the email on to ten other people. And I'm on her list.

I think it's very endearing. I know it's sincere, that it's a sign of her friendship, and I'm always touched.

I'm glad to be a link in her chain.

Thank you, Dancer. You are a beautiful soul.


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