Monday, March 28, 2005

Feature Dancers: Worth Fighting Over

I remember the night, a few years ago, when I saw a porn star Feature Dancer by accident.

I was working in an unfamiliar area of Ohio and had caught a hotel room for the night in one of the major cities. As is my habit, I quickly located a nice strip club to enjoy a few of my evening hours in. As I entered and paid my cover charge I was pleasantly suprised to see a poster advertising a Feature with that day's date on it.

"She's here?", I asked. "Tonight? Stephanie Swift is here tonight?" Yippee!

You may not know Stephanie by name, but she's been around the business for quite a while and I've seen her in several films. I certainly knew who she was. Stephanie is a cute little brunette. She's not a bombshell, but she is cute and she is talented and she was there in the flesh that night.

I remember three things.

First, that I enjoyed her stage set a great deal. She really worked the tiprail as well as the brass pole, and I got to tip her up close and personal and I got a poster from her as well.

Second, that I met her and talked to her up close and personal as she signed my poster off to the side of the stage by a pool table. I was struck by two things: that she is a very small girl and that it's very strange to be talking to a naked girl about whom you've read an article in a porn mag about the only position that she can achieve orgasm in. Very weird. But fun.

Third, that her next stage set was exciting and memorable but for the wrong reasons. As she came out and starting working the tiprail - a fight broke out. A bachelor party was in full alcohol-stoked swing in a private area above and to the side of the stage. For some reason, the party turned in to a full out brawl. Fists flew. Tables crashed. Glass broke. As a matter of fact, broken glass came flying over my shoulder to spill out all over the stage where Ms. Swift was working. Bouncers came out of everywhere. More bouncers than I have ever seen in a club. Ms. Stephanie Swift was quickly scooped up and hustled off the stage into the back. Bouncers physically grabbed several of the bachelor party brawlers and bum-rushed them out of the front door. Meanwhile, I was sitting at my table realizing how narrowly I had escaped getting caught up in a brawl and knowing that would be a bad thing to be arrested for or in the newspaper for while I was on the road. I quickly made my exit as well.

But not before meeting my memorable Feature Dancer, Ms. Stephanie Swift. Very nice. Thank you, Ms. Swift.


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