Sunday, November 09, 2003

Let the Music Play

The music. It washes over me in the club. It's almost it's own character in this play.

On a good night, in a good club, with a good DJ, it's all good. The music thumps into my chest and parties with me. I'm always into the music. Tapping my feet, bobbing my head. Into it. I'm the only one, but I'm into it.

I'm usually in a club for a while. There's only so much private dance time, so much tip rail time, so much enjoying the view time. The music fills the rest of the time for me.

Rock, rap, country, it's all there. Beyonce', Kid Rock, Garth. Whatever your taste, it'll come around. I'll never forget the first time I heard Kid Rock's Cowboy - in a club, filling my ears, Dancer with me in private. It's locked in.

The funny thing is that I give more thought to the music than most Dancers. I'll often fill the awkward time on the couch with a new Dancer waiting for the next song by asking her what kind of music she likes to dance to. Most don't care. Whatever the DJ puts on as long as it has a beat.


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