Saturday, November 08, 2003


There's a girl in the club! I don't mean the dancers. There's lots of those and they're supposed to be there. I mean a female customer. A fully clothed civilian.

Now, I know that there are girls that like strip clubs too. But you're in the minority. That's why they're called "gentlemen's clubs". There are some clubs, and some times of day, when there are a lot of girls in the club. But not often.

Lot's of men, but they're invisible to me. After a brief scan of the room to see if there's anyone I know, I tune them all out.

But an attractive girl as a customer is the sexiest thing going.

Let me tell you about my Girl-dar. It doesn't matter where I'm sitting, I instantly know if a girl walks into the club. It's a sixth-sense radar kinda thing.

I'm keenly aware of every girl in the place: where they're sitting, if they're enjoying the club or just there because some guy wants them to be, what their relationship is to the group they're with. ( I say group, because I've only seen 1 women come into a club by herself to get dances. More about her in the next post! More about couples later also.)

And an attactive girl at the tip rail getting special attention from the dancer while she tips will stop everything else in the club. All attention will be riveted to that scene. The girl-on-girl fantasy of every guy blots out all other thoughts, and all for $1.

I doubt I'm alone. I'm guessing almost every guy in there has Girl-dar.

Let me tender an example: I'm in a new club. It's after midnight. Lots of girls in the place. Groups and couples. Even two girls sitting at the satellite stage holding hands! Every so often the DJ announces a 2-dance special. I notice a pattern. 2 people hook up with a dancer and go to the couch area. Each one gets 1 song for a nude dance. Interesting.

So I pay attention the next time. And as I look across the row of private couches I see 3 pairs, 2 girl-guy, 1 girl-girl. I shift my chair so I have a view of this show, not the main stage. I'm not the only one. Lot's of guy's twisting in there chair, eyes locked on this scene.

Couple # 1: guy gets the first dance. Girl is snuggled up and into it, watching her man enjoy another. Then it's her turn. Very sensous. She's passive, but she's into it. Eyes glazed over while Dancer fondles her breasts. beautiful.

Couple # 2: guy gets the first dance. Girl acts disinterested. Turns away, legs crossed, and smokes casually. Then it's her turn. Now she's into it! Way into it! She's swaying to the beat in sync with Dancer's movements. Legs up in the air as Dancer plays with her butt. Leg's open as Dancer nuzzles her crotch. Legs down around Dancer's back as she slides up to nuzzle cheek to cheek. Is there kissing? Damn close. Dancer pulls her shirt up and fondles her bra. (My brain is melting). Her man sharing this show with every man in the place.

Couple # 3: 2 girls, the wives at the table, mid 40's, sharing a dancer that could be their daughter's friend! Very sensual. Dancer moves back and forth to each during both songs. First the blond, then the brunette. Back and forth, sliding and grazing, and oh so much breast fondling. Both ladies notice me watching and it captures their imagination. Eyes glazed when it's their turn, eyes searching me out when it's not.

And this is way better than the main stage. But the moment's over. Back to the Dancers.

Tribute: "Lost in Her Eyes"
Same club, earlier in the evening. Dancer is sublime. I meet her first at the satellite stage. 2 songs and I'm tipping early. The other guys around the table are not into it, just drinking and staring. But I'm into it and she appreciates that with some special attention my way.

Songs over, she turns immediately to me. "Would you like a dance?" Yes, Yes, Yes. I choose a table dance over a private couch dance. $10. Without her even dressing we move quicly to an available chair at a nearby table.

Dancer is lovely. The face of an angel. I've chosen the table dance because it's more subtle. Less about the grinding, more about the headspace. Lot's of eye contact. And I'm lost in her eyes. Green and penetrating. Deep black hair. Tall and shapely and natural. Maybe 21 or 22. Killer tight ass. Perfection.

Dancer is on her knees between my open legs. Rubbing her breasts against my jeans in just the right spot. Slow circles, no hurry. It's working. Circling and staring deep in my eyes. Right into the headspace where she takes up permanent residence with my other memories. Awesome.

1 song. 2 songs. $20. Worth it. "Thank you, baby" and she's off. Last I saw her.


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